Dental Aesthetics

Dental Aesthetics

Symmetries and balances are always sought to achieve harmony not only of the teeth, but also of the gums, lips, and the rest of the face.

Dental Aesthetics

Dental aesthetics is the dental discipline in charge of treating all those alterations, pathologies or dysmorphisms of each patient's mouth. Today, we can see that having a beautiful smile ends up being synonymous with social well-being and health.

  • Dental veneers. Dental veneers are the star treatment in dental aesthetics, as they allow the patient to obtain an impeccable smile in just a few sessions and with minimally invasive techniques. Veneers are very thin sheets that adhere to the tooth, covering and giving a new aesthetic to the smile. There are different types of veneers, the choice of each type depends on the results you want to obtain. For this, the advice of our specialists is necessary to select which type of veneers suits each patient.
  • Digital Smile Design. The smile design consists of carrying out an individualized study on the patient to evaluate the alterations in color, size, shape and alignment in their teeth. To do this, we carry out digital planning through Digital Smile Design, where using photos and videos we capture the different movements that occur during the act of smiling. In this way, we will be able to evaluate the necessary modifications in each step to integrate in the most harmonious way the color, shape, position and size of the teeth with respect to the shape and movement of the lips and the rest of the expression lines.
  • Gum aesthetics. When we talk about dental aesthetics, we are not only referring to the teeth themselves, the gums also come into play. Some patients have cases of teeth that are too small in relation to the gum, what we call a gummy smile. On the contrary, patients with longer teeth and fewer gums are considered to have receding gums. Giving a proportionate shape to the gum in relation to the teeth will make the patient’s smile harmonious and enhance their entire face.
  • Dental crowns. They are a comfortable and permanent solution that allows you to recover the functionality of very damaged teeth, replace teeth and improve dental aesthetics. The result is like your natural pieces and you cannot perceive the difference.

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